The database contains information of 1167 companies and traders in this field, including branches.
The database contains information about 41,260 companies and e-commerce entrepreneurs. In total, there are 40,365 entries with a mobile number and 40,142 emails.
This database contains: restaurant, bars, buffets, bistro, sweetshops, tea rooms, wine bars, cafes, drives, etc.
The database contains information about 534 info centers including branches.
The database contains information on 4311 products and sellers of jewelery and watches, including branches.
Our database contains information on 1,800 bookstores and other interesting magazinestores, including branches (818 unique items).
The database contains information about 2916 publishing companies including branches.
The database contains information on 3786 libraries and archives, including branches.
The database contains information on 5110 companies active in the field, including branches (5447 records in total).
The largest database of cities and villages in the Czech Republic containing 6,315 municipalities.
The database contains the necessary information about 6345 nonprofit organizations, including branches (a total of 4060 records).
The database contains data about 1,768 companies and tradesmen in the Czech Republic, operating in the section of lawyer,legal counseling and notaries including branches.