Databáze obsahuje více než 6 200 měst a obcí v ČR s kontaktem na starosty. Databáze obsahuje 5 329 telefonních čísel a 5 280 www stránek. Čísla mohou být i s kontaktem na starosty.
Online database of Czech companies with the largest number of contact details The database contains more than 4.1 million Czech companies and entrepreneurs. In total, the Czech...
The best and most comprehensive database of cities and villages in Czech Republic. 6 315 cities and villages even with direct contacts to mayor. 2019 update. Database contains...
The database contains records of 8266 companies operating in the Czech Republic in the field of architecture.
The database contains information about 7983 companies and traders in the Czech Republic operating in the field of design services.
The database contains data on 1083 car rentals including branches (897 unique items).
The database contains information on 1118 companies and trades operating in this area, including establishments (a total of 1501 records).
Short description visible in category listings
The database contains information on 2417 businesses and branches operating in this area, including branches (1695 unique IDs).
The database contains information on 7823 companies and businesses active in this area, including branches.
The database contains information on 4876 companies and traders working in the field of export and import.