SAMPLE - english name of database Czech Republic

The database contains information on 4876 companies and traders working in the field of export and import.

Guarantee of functional contacts:
We guarantee a refund for incomplete phone numbers and undeliverable addresses in full. For the reported non-functional contact, we return full price.

Postal mail delivery is at 95-98%.
The functionality of the phone number is 95%.

For non-delivery, the consignment returned by the Czech Post is considered as undeliverable. A non-existent phone number is considered a non-functional phone number. The warranty is valid 30 days from the date of delivery.

Number of records

Companies 22 373
Telephones 22 373
Emails 16 379
WWW sites 11 661

The database may contain

name of the entity, field of activity, field, ID, street address, city, part of town, postal code, web, e-mail, telephone, mobile, fax

Product language

Language of columns in the tables: czech, english
Language of records in the tables: czech

Output format

288,42 € tax excl. 348,99 € tax incl.

Enquiry of custom database