SAMPLE - english name of database Czech Republic

The database contains information on 7,143 resellers of building materials including branches.

This database contains:

Sales of building chemistry
Sales of building materials
Sales of building materials
Sales of building components
Sale and wholesale of construction materials

The total number of subjects and contact details are indicative and change continuously according to the data update.

Postal mail delivery is at 95-98%.
The functionality of the phone number is 95%.

Number of records

Companies 7 143
Telephones 7 052
Emails 7 029
WWW sites 6 371

The database may contain

name of the entity, field of activity, field, ID, address (street, descriptive number), city, part of town, postcode, web, e-mail, telephone, mobile, fax

Product language

Language of columns in the tables: czech, english
Language of records in the tables: czech

Output format

152,17 € tax excl. 184,13 € tax incl.

Enquiry of custom database