SAMPLE - english name of database Czech Republic

The database contains information on 1305 businesses and tradesmen providing care services, including branches (1029 unique items).

This database contains:

Home nursing care
Homes for seniors
Nursing Homes
Nursing services
The number of entities in the database may change over time update.

Postal mail delivery is at 95-98%.
The functionality of the phone number is 95%.

Number of records

Companies 1 305
Telephones 1 258
Emails 1 250
WWW sites 1 186

The database may contain

name of the entity, field of activity, ID, address (street, descriptive number), city, part of town, postcode, web, e-mail, telephone, mobile, fax

Product language

Language of columns in the tables: czech, english
Language of records in the tables: czech

Output format

100,00 € tax excl. 121,00 € tax incl.

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